Our choir’s appearance, as well as its sound, is important in presenting a professional and artistic performance. Members must wear the complete and correct uniform for performances and adhere to performance appearance policy.
Performance Appearance Policy
- The choir uniform should fit properly and be clean, pressed, and in good repair.
- Hair should be groomed away from the face. Barrettes, narrow headbands, and elastic bands that match hair color may be used. However, please refrain from using colorful bows, ribbons, barrettes, or noticeable ornamentation.
- Make-up and jewelry should not be noticeable. Stud earrings will be allowed (no more than two per ear).
- Our goal is to look unified and professional. Final appearance decisions are at the discretion of the Directors and Administrative Director.
Used Uniforms
This year, Concert Choir and Music Makers will be wearing new uniforms, but the white shirts used in Music Makers and Concert Choir may be resuable. Singers who would like to resell Chamber Choir uniforms or Music Makers/Concert Choir white shirts should contact Kathy to discuss.
Casual Uniforms
We have replaced our red logo polo shirts with a red t-shirt with our new CIYC logo! Singers will wear these CIYC logo t-shirts for the January retreat, select rehearsals at other locations, and whenever else they would like to just for fun. At this time, singers should have already received their shirt.
If you would like to help us defray the cost of the shirts, you can submit a donation of $10 to cover the cost of your child's shirt: https://www.ciycsings.org/make-a-payment/
Concert Dress
Purchasing the concert dress uniform is the singer’s responsibility. Specific uniform requirements are listed below for each choir. Do not delay if a new uniform needs to be purchased.
The concert dress uniform for Chamber Choir girls is ordered and purchased through CIYC. Concert dress uniforms for Music Makers and Concert Choir can be purchased at:
Concert Dress for Music Makers (Beginning Choir)
Music Makers Boy uniforms should be purchased through Land’s End: landsend.com or 800-963-4816.
- Land’s End Oxford Shirt: Item #458479-BQ9 in WHITE White Oxford Shirt
- Used White Oxford Shirt from C & A Inspirations (past year’s uniform) may be substituted
- Land’s End Plain Front Chino Pants: Item #403847-A55 in BLACK Black pants
- Black dress shoes and dark socks
- Tie – Ordered by CIYC
Music Makers Girl uniforms should be purchased at a combination of Land’s End and Zemsky's:
-Land’s End: landsend.com or 800-963-4816
-Zemsky's: zemskys.com or 800-480-6965
- Shirt from Zemsky's: School Apparel A+, Long-Sleeve, Peter Pan Collar Blouse in WHITE: Blouse
- Land’s End Ponte Pleat Skirt: Item # 442570-BQ9 in BLACK Ponte pleat skirt
- Black flat dress shoes and black tights (opaque)
- Rosette – Ordered by CIYC
Concert Dress for Concert Choir (Intermediate Choir)
Concert Choir Boy uniforms should be purchased through Land’s End: landsend.com or 800-963-4816.
- Land’s End Oxford Shirt: Item #458479-BQ9 in WHITE White Oxford Shirt
- Used White Oxford Shirt from C & A Inspirations (past year’s uniform) may be substituted
- Land’s End Plain Front Chino Pants: Item #403847-A55 in BLACK Black pants
- Land’s End Cotton Modal Sweater Vest: Item #510801-BQ9 in RED Red vest
- Black dress shoes and dark socks
- Tie – Ordered by CIYC
Concert Choir Girl uniforms should be purchased at a combination of Land’s End and C&A Inspirations:
-Land’s End: landsend.com or 800-963-4816
-Zemsky's: zemskys.com or 800-480-6965
- Shirt from Zemsky's: School Apparel A+, Long-Sleeve, Peter Pan Collar Blouse in WHITE: Blouse
- Land’s End Ponte Pleat Skirt: Item # 442570-BQ9 in BLACK Ponte pleat skirt
- Land’s End Cotton Modal Sweater Vest: Item #510801-BQ9 in RED Red vest
- Black flat dress shoes and black tights (opaque)
- Rosette – Ordered by CIYC
Concert Dress for Chamber Choir (Advanced Choir)
Singers will need to secure their concert uniform IMMEDIATELY this season because our first Krannert performance is one month after rehearsals begin.
- Black Dress ordered through CIYC. Payment must be submitted with order. Please see the Uniform Guide that was emailed to families or contact Kathy for instructions. and complete this form on or before our first rehearsal: https://forms.gle/Hx3wW2KHrK4XAb9d8.
- Red sash provided by CIYC.
- Flat-heel, Black, Dress Shoes
- Nude Hose
- Long sleeve, Black, Dress Shirt
- Black, Dress Pants
- Black, Dress Shoes and Black Socks
- CIYC-provided Red Tie
Concert Dress for Youth Chorale (Advanced, Mixed Ensemble)
- Black Dress, or Black Top with Black, Dress Pants or Skirt
- Dress or Skirt should be knee length or longer
- Black Hose
- Black, Dress Shoes
- Long-Sleeve, Black, Dress Shirt
- Black, Dress Pants
- Black Socks
- Black, Dress Shoes