Rehearsal Information

Rehearsal Location

All choirs rehearse at

Faith United Methodist Church
1719 S Prospect Ave, Champaign, IL

Drop-off and pickup procedures are in process.  Check back for updates.

Use of Faith United Methodist Church

CIYC members are guests at Faith United Methodist Church. Singers are expected to show respect for all church property, and adhere to policies established by CIYC. Running, yelling, and rowdy behavior are not permitted at any time.

Parking is available on the east side of the building.

Family members may not will enter Faith United Methodist Church during rehearsals without permission from the Administrative Director.

Use of outdoor playground equipment is not available to CIYC families.

Drop-off/Pick-up Policy

Singers in Music Makers and Concert Choir will answer a verbal symptom check as they arrive.  Chamber Choir and Youth Chorale singers will sign themselves in, verifying they have no COVID symptoms including: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. Drop-off/Pick-up procedures will be communicated to families via email and Remind.

Rehearsal Preparation

Choral singing requires focus, attention, and energy.

  • Please feed your singer a snack or light meal before rehearsal.

Rehearsal Schedule

For a rehearsal schedule, visit the Calendar page.


Please report absences to the CIYC office. 203-605-3830 or [email protected]